
Installation using pip

Dataduct can easily be installed using pip with the following commands.

pip install dataduct

The major dependencies of dataduct are:

  • boto greater than version 2.34, older versions are missing some of the functionality provided by EMR
  • PyYAML
  • pandas
  • psycopg2
  • pytimeparse
  • MySQL-python
  • pyparsing
  • testfixtures

Ensure that a boto config file containing proper AWS credentials is present.

The visualizations are created using:

  • graphviz
  • pygraphviz

Autocomplete for the CLI is supported using:

  • argcomplete

The documentation is created using:

  • sphinx
  • sphinx-napolean
  • sphinx_rtd_theme

Installing in the developer environment

1. Clone the Repo

git clone


Add these lines into your .bash_profile or .zshrc etc based on your shell type.

export PYTHONPATH=~/dataduct:$PYTHONPATH
export PATH=~/dataduct/bin:$PATH

3. Config

Create a config file. Instructions for this are provided in the config section.

Setup Autocomplete

Install argcomplete with pip install argcomplete.

If you’re using bash then add the following to your .bash_profile:

eval "$(register-python-argcomplete dataduct)"

if you’re using zsh then add the following line to your .zshrc:

autoload bashcompinit
eval "$(register-python-argcomplete dataduct)"