
Dataduct has some endpoints you can use to execute python scripts before and after certain events when using the CLI and library locally.

Available Hooks

  • activate_pipeline, which hooks onto the activate_pipeline function in dataduct.etl.etl_actions.
  • connect_to_redshift, which hooks onto the redshift_connection function in dataduct.data_access.

Creating a hook

Dataduct tries to find available hooks by searching in the directory specified by the HOOKS_BASE_PATH config variable in the etl section, matching them by their filename. For example, a hook for the activate_pipeline endpoint would saved as activate_pipeline.py in that directory.

Each hook has two endpoints: before_hook and after_hook. To implement one of these endpoints, you declare them as functions inside the hook. You may implement only one or both endpoints per hook.

before_hook is called before the hooked function is executed. The parameters passed into the hooked function will also be passed to the before_hook. The before_hook is designed to allow you to manipulate the arguments of the hooked function before it is called. At the end of the before_hook, return the args and kwargs of the hooked function as a tuple.

Example before_hook:

# hooked function signature:
# def example(arg_one, arg_two, arg_three='foo')

def before_hook(arg_one, arg_two, arg_three='foo'):
    return [arg_one + 1, 'hello world'], {'arg_three': 'bar'}

after_hook is called after the hooked function is executed. The result of the hooked function is passed into after_hook as a single parameter. The after_hook is designed to allow you to access or manipulate the result of the hooked function. At the end of the after_hook, return the (modified) result of the hooked function.

Example after_hook:

# hooked function result: {'foo': 1, 'bar': 'two'}

def after_hook(result):
    result['foo'] = 2
    result['bar'] = result['bar'] + ' three'
    return result